Friday, June 18, 2010


Having swopped my South African flag lighter with Glada,the bartender that looked after me, for an Argentinian one, I walked seven blocks to the bus terminal ( saving taxi fare for the next draught).

What a busy terminal! Buses leaving every 5 minutes to destinations all over Argentina.My bus was late and I kept pacing up and down the lanes, just in case I missed seeing it. Half an hour after scheduled start, it rolled in and I thankfully made my way upstairs to the front seat - lots of leg space and TV. And so with a DVD of The Beatles playing on my TV screen, I said goodbye to Buenos Aires.
It was a great trip. We had supper and then a movie.after the movie was offered a goodnight pleasant dreams whisky night cap and tilting my seat right bag, I went to sleep and woke at seven the next morning with breakfast being served.The food is definitely better than SAA's.
Arrived in Puerto Iguaz around 2pm and was promptly transferred to a smaller bus with a guide/driver that did not speak English.After stopping at several hotels picking up people, I finally gathered that we were actually going across the Brazil border to view the waterfall from their side.My itenary had it scheduled as a Saturday trip.
It was awesome! Below are pictures from both sides, the Argentinian one done today.

Well, that is all for now. It has been a long day and I still have not decided where I should go to next.And  I am booking out tomorrow.


  1. the picyutrs are stunning, must be even better close up, almost feel the water on my face.
